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eTariff Solution - Browse
Browse a National or Regional Customs Harmonised Tariff Book by Section or Chapter. The information is displayed in an easily searchable format, together with Legal Notes relating to the specific harmonized tariff code.

eTariff Solution - Search
Search a National or Regional Customs Harmonised Tariff Book for a particular Customs Tariff Code using using a keyword or a tariff code or a partial tariff code. The available information include the various duties, prohibited and restricted regulations, as well as Advanced Rulings published by the National or Regional Customs Authority associated with the Tariff Code (where applicable).

eTariff - Duty Estimator
Accurately estimate the Customs and Excise Duties applicable to a particular trade lane, currency and Tariff Code. The Duty Estimator eliminates the need for manual calculations and facilitates accurate costing for both import and export purposes. The Duty Estimator is a highly beneficial tool for Traders as well as Customs Authorities.

eTariff - Prohibited & Restricted Goods Information
Search for Prohibited and Restricted items applicable to a particular tariff code and view information relating to the Agency responsible for the administration and management of the particular Prohibited and Restricted legislation. Additional information provided include details of the restrictions, the administrating agency and the relevant procedure(s) required on exportation or importation of the relevant item.

eTariff - Duty Remission
& Quota
Browse a National or Regional Customs Harmonised Tariff Book by Section and Chapter or by tariff code, to identify if any Duty Remissions and Quotas that had been issued for a particular tariff code or Section or Chapter.
The solution enables the digitization of the application process for Trade to obtain specific Duty Remissions and Quotas. It further enables the relevant National or Regional Customs Authority to review and approve/reject the application(s) submitted. Once the application had been approved, it can be published by the relevant National or Regional Customs Authority.

eTariff – WCO Explanatory Notes
The available information of the eTariff solution also includes the Explanatory Notes that is managed by the World Customs Organistion. The enablement of this functionality has been done through a strategic partnership with the World Customs Organisation.

Get started with Customs Connect
Advanced Rulings
The solution allows for the digitization of the Advanced Ruling process to enable Trade to apply for Advanced Rulings through an online portal. National or Regional Customs Authority can review and approve/reject the application(s) submitted. Once the application has been approved, it can be published by the relevant National or Regional Customs Authority.

Customs to Customs Connectivity (C2C)
The solution allows for Customs Authorities to exchange data on a real time basis based on an agreed framework utilising the WCO Data Model as the blue print for the data exchange enablement.

Approved Economic Operator (AEO)
New and information to follow shortly.